We have a passion for business

We recruit top business minds to help our clients thrive!

PJ van Ginkel

"I strive to improve productivity, one solution at a time."

Nadine van Ginkel

"Pay it forward, I believe that small  positive actions can make a big difference in the lives of others."

WG Nel

"I do not do what I love, I love what I do."

Anisca Nel

"I am a firm believer of leaving every place and person more whole as found."

We learned how to assist you "Do Better Business" through experience.

We are an experienced team of professionals dedicated to helping our clients succeed with their business goals. We specialize in designing and implementing business process, project management, and productivity improvement programs. 

At Practicalize That, we understand that the success of any business depends on its longevity, so we go to great lengths to ensure that our clients have the right strategies in place to ensure their long-term success. We are passionate about helping our clients reach their full potential and provide the best possible solutions for their businesses. 

We believe in providing a personal, tailored service that takes into account our clients’ individual needs, and we are committed to helping them reach their goals. We provide expertise in a variety of areas, including business process design and implementation, business software project management and implementation, business strategy, and productivity improvement programs.

A word from our founder - P J van Ginkel

"I enjoy seeing businesses grow and thrive as they go from strength to strength. I understand that change is difficult and that most individuals are resistant to it. I'd like to accompany you on this business journey, crossing the mountains and valleys with you."

Let's make change together! 

Our Core 



Ethical Business

Our team takes pride in the trust our clients bestow upon us. We are committed to ethical business practices. 

Expert Advice 

We know advice can be found everywhere, our advice are backed by experience and true knowledge.  

Client Satisfaction

Our clients are the only reason we are in business. We are driven to keep you satisfied with our service rendered. 

Value for Money Service

As a business we need to make money to stay in business. We strive to provide our clients with true value in exchange for our fees.